? Boldport @boldport Tweet ID 1227369576750624769 Tweet was retrieved from the Twitter API on 2022-04-19T17:13:24.119421 and is presented in pure HTML+CSS, without Twitter's official styles or official tracking. (local archive) (twitter) (download) About archived tweets @mrled I recently made a simple website for myself at saardrimer.com and in spirit it's similar to yours.I also like getting emails! :)
Tweet ID 1227369576750624769
Tweet was retrieved from the Twitter API on 2022-04-19T17:13:24.119421 and is presented in pure HTML+CSS, without Twitter's official styles or official tracking.
(local archive) (twitter) (download)
About archived tweets
@mrled I recently made a simple website for myself at saardrimer.com and in spirit it's similar to yours.I also like getting emails! :)