? Micah R Ledbetter /mɹ̩ˈled/ @mrled Tweet ID 1648886581766373376 Tweet was retrieved from the Twitter API on 2023-05-11T15:13:44.699991 and is presented in pure HTML+CSS, without Twitter's official styles or official tracking. (local archive) (twitter) (download) About archived tweets Some people need reverse lmgtfy. Why Did You Drop That Link In The Chat And Them Fuck Off For Seventy Two Hours. WDYDTLITCATFOFSTH.com
Micah R Ledbetter /mɹ̩ˈled/
Tweet ID 1648886581766373376
Tweet was retrieved from the Twitter API on 2023-05-11T15:13:44.699991 and is presented in pure HTML+CSS, without Twitter's official styles or official tracking.
(local archive) (twitter) (download)
About archived tweets
Some people need reverse lmgtfy. Why Did You Drop That Link In The Chat And Them Fuck Off For Seventy Two Hours. WDYDTLITCATFOFSTH.com