? Sam Martin @movebettersam Tweet ID 1652735682106867712 Tweet was retrieved from the Twitter API on 2023-05-11T15:13:34.267729 and is presented in pure HTML+CSS, without Twitter's official styles or official tracking. (local archive) (twitter) (download) About archived tweets That push up world record video wound me up so much that I had to do a full explainer on what a good push up is and why: youtu.be/H4w72rcp0AE
Sam Martin
Tweet ID 1652735682106867712
Tweet was retrieved from the Twitter API on 2023-05-11T15:13:34.267729 and is presented in pure HTML+CSS, without Twitter's official styles or official tracking.
(local archive) (twitter) (download)
About archived tweets
That push up world record video wound me up so much that I had to do a full explainer on what a good push up is and why: youtu.be/H4w72rcp0AE