RT @nataliewatson: my boyfriend leaned over to me during jabba's palace scene in ROTJ and said "i love that little guy" and without even th…
RT @tlehmanifold: @jachaseyoung Keeping up with the Kardashevs
RT @eigenrobot: food has always carried moral overtones
ancient nomads refused to eat turtle before going on the hunt lest its spirit leav…
food has always carried moral overtones
ancient nomads refused to eat turtle before going on the hunt lest its spirit leave them sluggish
today our "betters" demand we avoid seed oils; they fear the potential of seeds, and the energy permitted by lubricants of mighty engines
@movebettersam This is really helpful!
I feel like the hardest part of following videos like this is translating what something looks like in the video to what it feels like in my body. Eg, my body feels straight but isn't. Is there any secret to that?
That shirt is sick btw
@jachaseyoung Keeping up with the Kardashevs
AI is here; Dropbox's bet against e2ee finally pays off I guess.
When you control an entire planet and someone else controls a thousand planets, all of them better in every way, you're gonna be annoyed. You will look at your homely little continents and your uninspired fauna and you will grind your immortal jaw.
my boyfriend leaned over to me during jabba's palace scene in ROTJ and said "i love that little guy" and without even thinking i replied "his name is Salacious B. Crumb." i now know exactly how much damage star wars has done to my brain
That push up world record video wound me up so much that I had to do a full explainer on what a good push up is and why: https://t.co/hSxRlJquJD
I wouldn't say that my legs are weak though - my quads are very strong, but my core is weak. This stance disengaged core muscles, extends upper back, and tilts pelvis too far back. Over time: ouch. (At least in my body.)
Interesting that this affects trouser fit though! I would not have guessed.
Fascinating thread. A huge amount of my time at the gym is working to correct this stance. Some of the highest ROI per minute of anything I do - not only does it address back pain, it is an important component of my strategy for typing for hours without injury. https://t.co/v5H5dnHIEu
The problem is that most people don't need all this material. Additionally, they stand with what a friend once described as an "auditioning porn star" posture. That means they naturally stand with their hips forward and knees locked. Go ahead—stand up and see if you do this.
I once heard a bespoke tailor suggest this is increasingly common in modern society because people have desk jobs, so their legs are weak. He said his clients who do manual labor have the opposite posture: knees slightly bent and hips back.
Why do these folds occur? It's because clothing manufacturers commonly build their trousers with an overly long back rise. That's the measurement from the center back down to the crotch. They do this so the pants feel comfy to a wider range of body types (no wedgies) https://t.co/DR5v9v23ig
When you look at yourself in a single-frame mirror, you are only getting a view of yourself from the front (pic 1). But many problems have to do with the back, causing the drag lines and folds you see in pics 2 and 3 here: https://t.co/I9m3k33zmm
When most people buy pants, they look at themselves first in the mirror (well, hopefully, at least). When doing so, they are often standing in front of a single-frame mirror, like so: https://t.co/4Uf39RFtTa
What they should do is find a three-way mirror, hopefully also with the assistance of a good and honest tailor, fitter, or sales associate (although these are rare nowadays). Three-way mirrors give you a better look at how your outfit looks from various angles. https://t.co/OdEqJmZ2cw
Compare these two people's trousers. Badenoch's trousers fall cleanly, such that there are relatively straight lines going from her trouser band to her hem. DeSantis' trousers, on the other hand, have messy folds all over. What gives? https://t.co/mQacBvYjkd
DeSantis' outfit here illustrates one of the most common problems with pants—and the one that requires a bit of know-how to fix. So let's talk about it. 🧵 https://t.co/URXH4LmTba
If the European Union wanted to do something actually good they would stop mandating stupid cable bullshit (a prep school kid's idea of an important issue) and start mandating open bug trackers (something important personally to me, the main character)
Ooh, I get a freeform system would work very well for cocktail recipes too: [2oz tequila, 1oz grand marnier, 1oz lime juice]. You could probably get ABV and calories right more often than general case, and allow [1oz liquer 18% ABV] for edge cases.
Wish there was a nutrition app that keeps track of alcohol in a convenient way - a freeform field where you could enter [16oz x 7.2% ABV] or whatever.
WAY more convenient than:
Beer: 512 Pecan Porter, Barrel Aged
Amount: [dropdown with 1oz-12oz only]
It's nice to be able to say "yes I had exactly one Miller (tm) brand Lite (tm) American lager 12oz can" or whatever, but it's not very flexible. Often with alcohol ABV measurement is available even if the product db doesn't contain the exact thing you're drinking.
Today @GovRonDeSantis met with @KemiBadenoch, who has been branded by British media as the "Anti-woke darling of the right" (a badge of honor!)
Two great conservative fighters on mission. https://t.co/9Q7fWRC3pX
RT @kevin_bowen: The US military grants TS clearances to the kind of guys who think that "smashing" an electronic device and depositing it…
The US military grants TS clearances to the kind of guys who think that "smashing" an electronic device and depositing it in a dumpster behind your own home will prevent forensic recovery of the data on it https://t.co/FSKyQf1Khb
Why would he smash his Xbox? https://t.co/hxGQgWArh0
Government motion for pretrial detention of Jack Teixeira was just posted: https://t.co/8UO1nAAXc6
This is probably not a good enough reason to leave 1password on its own, but it's another indication that they don't share my values https://t.co/yvRfytZLrP
It's basically inevitable at this point that they're going to Data Driven their way to doing in-app advertising, isn't it. :(
I think one of my favorite things I've learned from lurking in <illegible> is the response "yes and that's good". When someone is trying to trap you into endorsing the consequences of your beliefs, lean the fuck into it.
part of a series https://t.co/C24PGbM2SU
"km" is an abbreviation meaning "kilomiles", or one thousand miles
RT @bagder: The full story: https://t.co/zu9WCJXjvn
The full story: https://t.co/zu9WCJXjvn
Do NOT. I repeat. Do NOT remove curl.exe from your Windows System32 folder to silence a (stupid) security scanner. It will lead to tears and sorrows.
And if you do, please don't ask *me* for help when you've broken your Windows install. I can't fix that.
RT @Grimezsz: I think it's cool to be fused w a machine and I like the idea of open sourcing all art and killing copyright
I think it's cool to be fused w a machine and I like the idea of open sourcing all art and killing copyright
I'll split 50% royalties on any successful AI generated song that uses my voice. Same deal as I would with any artist i collab with. Feel free to use my voice without penalty. I have no label and no legal bindings. https://t.co/KIY60B5uqt
I love Alpine, but I swear to god, if I could run Alpine Linux with systemd I would do it in a heartbeat.
RT @HeadlineSmasher: Mega Man Gets Robbed and Stripped
Made a nicer post about this https://t.co/7iatQ11SCq https://t.co/2hEG19sOgE
Mega Man Gets Robbed and Stripped
Also, jesus christ the confabulations are super annoying. "Are there any articles about this I could read?" "Sure! Here are 10 plausible sounding article titles that are not anywhere on or off the web!" Fuck's sake.
(I didn't try gpt4 not because I don't have access but because I was asking too many questions and would hit rate limits + it's slower to generate. lol. Maybe it's better.)