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I have a lot more I want to write about what I was experiencing, whether this keyboard was worth the significant cost and mental retraining (spoiler: resounding yes), and how someone else can use this board to help with RSI.


Anyway. Another bug quashed. Biggest remaining items: * Make it look good on mobile * Add URL fragment for each key * Write a lot more words


Commit with the fix is here. https://t.co/5t5KOqppnA Feel free to reach out with comments / questions / suggestions. (No promises on replying but I will try.)


Fortunately I could cheat my way through by just putting a tiny invisible div inside the div that is rotating, putting it approximately where I want to connect my diagram line to, and drawing there. CSS will do the math for me ✨


At first, I was excited, thinking "oh cool, I can use linear algebra to do this". Then I realized how little I understood about linear algebra.


In that case, getClientBoundingRect() returns a rectangle around the entire rotated key - a rectangle which is now larger than the key itself. The offsets I was using resulted in coordinates that were not actually inside the key, though they were inside its bounding rect.


But getClientBoundingRect returns a rectangle with top/bottom parallel to the X axis; when the key is rotated 25 degrees as it is in the thumb cluster, it no longer has sides parallel to X.


The problem is that the keys were ROTATED, and I was using getClientBoundingRect() with some offsets to find a good place to draw my diagram lines to.


YESSSSS. Just fixed a CSS bug that is simple in retrospect but that has hounded me for days. Diagram lines drawn to the keys in the rotated thumb cluster are in their proper place now https://t.co/p1ueFfl0ob


Although the nuclear take will be "You don't need to remap capslock to anything at all" 😈


I think the next thing I have to implement is URL fragments to link to specific keys tho. Then I can post a hot take like "Shift is in a bad position on normal keyboards" and show why.


As I said, it's in alpha right now. There are some bugs and some unfinished features. https://t.co/o6w3E7m7vG


Code is up on GitHub: https://t.co/Ynx7EotgJf


My working title is "keyblay". Gross lol. I will come up with a nicer name soon.


I'm still working on this app, though, so I can focus on communicating key relationships as clearly as possible. I want to explain specifically how my layout helped me so someone on the fence can see if this keyboard will help them.


Naturally like 2 weeks after I start working on this, @ErgoDoxEZ shipped a nice embeds feature :) https://t.co/EFD2SO6xyE


Building a web app so I can show the @ErgoDoxEZ keyboard layout I made to help with RSI. Alpha version is working here: https://t.co/p1ueFfl0ob


Signal safety numbers and Riot device verification are cool recent work in this area! Would kill to work on something like that some day. :)


Wrote about a project/experiment I made a few years ago. Still think it’s a cool area ripe for research. https://t.co/V3seSyKjw2


RT @mrled: @boldport does really beautiful work. I put together the LIGEMDIO a couple of weeks ago - it looks so cool that I keep it on my…


@boldport does really beautiful work. I put together the LIGEMDIO a couple of weeks ago - it looks so cool that I keep it on my desk all the time now ⚡️ https://t.co/mbAoU3N6Sv https://t.co/9O0cr3Vw0c


Right. Let's use this platform for what it was intended: soliciting work (right?!) *Hire me* https://t.co/IaF3sYJll9 *Sponsor me* https://t.co/24rkMFKCv8 *RT me* https://t.co/ZXpr8Ph12V *Talk to me* saar@boldport.com Usually I'm too conscious to say I need this right now.


I wrote about a data loss bug I caused at work. This one scared the hell out of me, y’all. https://t.co/aq8FfzL508


@da_667 Something like Lab Gopher might be a useful addition to the hardware section. It has better filtering/searching for buying specific commonly used home lab hardware off eBay: https://t.co/dp0FtWGo8t


But anyway. If you're sitting on one of these UniFi switches, and find yourself needing two more ports, you can get them for a pretty reasonable price.


The ones I bought were like ~$30 for a two-pack, but 10Gb+ SFPs can be $50/ea and up. So you do pay for the flexibility.


You can even get whole switches with nothing but SFP ports. These tend to be more enterprisey, expensive, and loud. There is also the downside of cost. Either your cables must have SFPs built in to each end, or you must pay for dedicated SFPs like I did.


All you have to do is plug it in - it's usable as a switch port immediately, you don't have to reboot or do anything to manually enable it. They don't deliver PoE like the built-in switch ports do.


The management UI will even tell you hardware info on the SFP. Contrast the information available on a built in port 8 with what's available on the SFP port 9. https://t.co/0S8L9AIBeh


They click in securely. It’s easy to tell when you have them plugged in the right way, and some lights come on to confirm it. They do stick out a bit, although if you’re anything like me that will not be the most untidy thing about your switch. https://t.co/qw5YrPFGa8


I bought this two-pack from Amazon. You just take the rubber caps off and plug them right in. https://t.co/V0VJtINUGK


The product page calls these "(2) 1G SFP Fiber Ports", but they're not exclusively for fiber. They work just fine with copper SFPs - regular gigabit Ethernet.


You might not realize this, but some UniFi Ethernet switches like this UniFi Switch PoE 8 have SFP ports that can take Ethernet SFPs, meaning you can pay a little bit extra to get more ports. https://t.co/8EnXAWx5s9


I think making a general purpose static site generator is non-trivial, but making one with the three features I actually use that runs pandoc to do markdown conversion seems pretty simple, and then I could use a decent markdown implementation, too -- Hugo's is sort of broken :-/.


@hillelogram Have you considered writing your own static site generator? Re: thread. I'm stuck on Hugo 0.19 after having to unbreak my site the last three times I updated Hugo. In the time I spent fixing Octopress and then Hugo, I think I could have written my own site generator https://t.co/x0FfWHqapV


@stroughtonsmith More photos in the thread. Physically it looks like this now! https://t.co/wmwmirV7dP https://t.co/CRdGzrN9Qg


@stroughtonsmith (Kills me i typoed in the very first tweet in a long multi month thread. Should be “cluster node” not “kernel node”.)


@stroughtonsmith I was hoping this experimental cluster would be finished last year, but it was harder than I thought! I am hoping it will turn out to be a useful option for photographers and others who need large, easily expandable storage. https://t.co/MRiwFoJCcM


Got any fun projects you're working on that you're also struggling to finish? I can't be the only one 😂 Tweet me pictures! https://t.co/5fJqDmAvTP


Every so often, I need to remind myself what I'm working on 😅 I gotta start shipping some apps before the next distraction comes along — none of these were active projects this time last year, so 🤞 https://t.co/Td7DlzPCEd


@_StevenFan Oh oh, I see. That would be cool. Kind of like a video trip log? Do you envision a research focus, or something else?


@mrled https://t.co/9pXtwZHWvj


@_StevenFan Ahh, that’s cool. What got you interested in a project like that?


@mrled A student by doing. Thinking of interviewing people or making recordings of mediators talking about their practice. No firm plans tbh


@_StevenFan Oh that’s cool! Are you a student? What do you do now?


@_StevenFan (You could also take it a different direction and eg run Minio to get Amazon S3 -compatible object storage.)


@_StevenFan Once lizardfs is running, yes. Under the hood, it’s a bunch of different (tiny) computers running Linux, and then one of them will present the whole cluster as a single file server over NFS to clients I like macOS Finder


@mrled So does this just look like any other storage to a computer? From the point of view of the finder/fs?


@_StevenFan Oh oops I forgot about networking. The switch and router are also not redundant. I have some ideas for fixing that but will require different cluster nodes. Right now if the single switch dies the whole cluster is 💥


@_StevenFan There will definitely be a cohesive write up later on though. One reason I started posting about this on Twitter was to keep a log and take some photos so my later write up will be more complete.