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At work I just found sentence I wrote describing a situation when files are not “persisted to dusk” 🌃


jaron lanier, you are not a gadget https://t.co/4BsmmYJL9D


this fluid morphing will become a commonplace aspect of human communication as time goes on. it already is in language, film, websurfing --quickly adopting other voices, shifting scenes & perspectives. vr will allow us to do it 'physically' too. https://t.co/drSVKNNFcR


@mauvehed Yeah. Took me forever to figure out the problem too. Idk why chrony wasn’t able to resolve the NTP servers itself, since that’s what its docs say it does.


New Odroid XU4Q to replace my raspberry pi 2 as the bootstrapper for the cluster. Shit this thing is so much faster. You can see the backup battery for the rtc right above the Ethernet cable, so it shouldn’t lose its clock on a reboot, breaking DNSSEC and DNS resolution. https://t.co/0rwts4298e


And I could have gotten a hardware clock module for the Pi, or tried to solve it some other way... but the XU4 has a clock (and the backup battery is cheap), and it’s faster, so here we are


(Technically you could hard code someone’s NTP server’s IP address, but this is considered bad manners, and is not robust besides. The pools are made by round robin DNS, so if you want to use Internet NTP servers correctly, you must have working DNS.)


BUT THE PI DOESNT HAVE A HARDWARE CLOCK. When it boots, the time is off by days/weeks, so DNS lookups to external hosts fail. Normally you’d use an NTP client to set the clock on boot, but you need to reach the NTP pool by DNS.


I was trying to hold off because I already had the Pi. The Pi is the DNS server for the network, and gives hostnames to cluster nodes, so its resolv.conf needs to point to itself for DNS. And if DNSSEC is turned on in BIND, it needs to connect to other DNS servers securely.


The Pi 2 is very slow 😵 at least compared to the Odroid HC2, so I have an Odroid XU4 in the mail to replace it. The XU4 and the HC2 are based off the same platform... kernels, device trees, etc can be shared.


The Odroid HC2 on the right is booting from the Raspberry Pi 2 on the left https://t.co/zs4rFmQaOX


Booting a little bit further... https://t.co/4DbtLoloz4


The USB UART for these boards has some VERY FUCKING BRIGHT LEDS on it lol https://t.co/ObmJ0f0j3A


The cluster nodes are Odroid HC2 ARM machines. I want to play with LizardFS and determine its performance at small scale (just a few nodes). Going to use Docker Swarm and other high availability systems so my home services are fault tolerant


Been working on a home cluster project for a while and I finally hit a milestone today - a kernel node can finally load a kernel over tftp!!!! ✨✨✨ https://t.co/MZypYJD0I6


It uses Hammerspoon for macOS, and lets me draw terminals on my screen by holding ctrl+shift My changes were to 1) prevent it from making useless tiny terminals and 2) to show in red when it would refuse to make a small terminal Fun mini project :) never used Lua before


Original code from this post (which has a much nicer video than mine) https://t.co/0jmFGIftnT


Code here: https://t.co/sJ3mhYVy2V


Made something cool https://t.co/ZJGMutCEom


Need beautiful electronics done? We need the work! :) Get in touch and let's make something nice. https://t.co/IaF3sYJll9 https://t.co/RUipiceYtp


You're surfing the web, head propped on one arm, when you come across a curious link. You jolt upright when you realize what you are reading; a human must have written this! Or at least, most of it. You auto-generate a post containing a link to the article so others will find it.


If life had value wasting other people’s finite life would have consequences.


We know human life is ultimately worthless because computers are degraded to run at a fraction of their real responsiveness to suck away fractions of your life in moments just short enough where you’re too morose to complain or do anything about it.


If computers were allowed to just run correctly by manufacturers, they wouldn’t be able to upsell $800 laptops at Walmart. Those $300 machines are there to be as shitty as possible to make everything else look better.


Moore’s Law was a real thing and it happened and computers are a zillion times faster than in 2001, but they still seem to run shitty, right? Does that make sense? No, it doesn’t.


I literally wouldn't sign up to be a billionaire in 1980. The past majorly sucked ass in every way.


Everyone talks about ouhh fancy steel and katanas while ignoring the fact 99% of the time it was some crappy bronze alloy they made with a campfire or pig iron thing that just broke in half and that you'd be better off melting down spoons from your local burger bar.


It really screws with my head that there used to be armies with just swords. Can you imagine. Just spending hours walking towards other people with a pointy stick you have to slap them with while not getting slapped by their pointy stick made of barely-acceptable metal work.


I don't know what this Twitter account is about but it sure is exciting






Ugh I don't like writing Executive Summaries in reports because they spoil the fun of the story. It's like if Law and Order said at the start of the episode who set fire to the student newspaper dispenser and got murdered by a chipped colichemarde over an electric scooter rental.


Amtrak offers up a solid contender for greatest #FOIA redaction of all time https://t.co/wiTX0cl8JJ https://t.co/7vIGr93YLd


I stand under the shower's spray—blood from my would-be usurper clone twisting down the drain—and slowly realize all my scars are missing…


Out on the town having the time of my life with a bunch of friends. They're all just out of frame, laughing too. http://t.co/VCbkZwWwvs


RT @ConcernedMom69: beginning to believe that professors are granted tenure based on the number of subordinating clauses they can fit in ...


beginning to believe that professors are granted tenure based on the number of subordinating clauses they can fit into a single sentence


RT @DrTeens247: Juggalo juggalo Juggalo juggalo juggalo jufggalo Juggalo juggalo.


RT @MmeSurly: Donuts is an emotion.


RT @nostrich: 2012 is about correcting the typo on the 3 different social networks you cross-posted to.


You "Save As" everytime you make a change to yourself and end up with an army of drafts fighting for authenticity.


Tip the bell hops, the maids, cabbies, everyone. Show them that hackers regardless of hat color are awesome #DefCon


Fed up with PDF forms which I know are going to be printed out, scanned, emailed, then copy-typed. Put your form on the web FFS!